E-Scooter Accident Lawyer In Denver, CO
Denver’s laws seek to carve out a space for e-scooters, as they are a growing form of ground transportation. For the most part, the law treats e-scooters as they do bicycles. This means e-scooters are not allowed on sidewalks except in certain circumstances. However, this does not make injuries due to e-scooter-related injuries face the same legal path as bicycle injuries.
At Beem & Isley, P.C., our e-scooter attorneys have a reputation for providing compassionate service to any person facing an injury issue in Denver. We understand the complex situation that people are facing when they are injured by or on e-scooters. Our clients turn to us because of our experience and versatility in all aspects of injury law. We can explain some of the unique aspects of e-scooter accident law to our clients, including:
Where Do E-Scooter Accidents Happen In Denver?
While e-scooters offer convenient transportation throughout Denver, certain locations, conditions and times of day present higher risks for accidents. Having worked with numerous e-scooter accident cases, we have identified several clear patterns of when and where these incidents occur, including:
- Nighttime operation: A significant portion of e-scooter accidents happen after dark. Reduced visibility makes it harder for riders to spot hazards and for other road users to see e-scooters.
- Weekend activity: Weekend evenings show a marked increase in e-scooter incidents. During these times, there is typically higher traffic volume, more pedestrians on the streets and a greater number of ride-share vehicles competing for road space.
- Entertainment districts: Areas with high concentrations of dining and drinking establishments see frequent e-scooter accidents. Popular nightlife areas like Lower Downtown (LoDo) and South Broadway are particular hotspots. These districts combine several risk factors: increased pedestrian activity, higher e-scooter usage as people travel between venues and potentially impaired riders moving through busy streets.
- Infrastructure challenges: Many accidents occur where infrastructure issues create hazards for riders. Poorly maintained or uneven pavement, broken or damaged signposts, inadequate street lighting and construction zones with temporary road changes all contribute to accident risk.
- Weather-affected locations: Denver’s variable weather conditions can create additional hazard zones. Areas that are typically safe can become dangerous when affected by rain, snow or ice. Poor drainage areas with standing water and weather-damaged pavement pose particular risks to e-scooter riders, especially when combined with reduced visibility or high-traffic conditions.
- Transit hubs: Areas around major transit stations, particularly Union Station and light rail stops, experience frequent e-scooter incidents. These locations see high concentrations of riders using e-scooters for last-mile transportation, often mixing with heavy pedestrian traffic and multiple modes of transportation in confined spaces.
- Shopping centers: Commercial districts and shopping areas pose risks due to frequent stopping and starting of vehicles, delivery trucks and constant pedestrian movement. These areas often have limited dedicated spaces for e-scooter operation, leading to conflicts with other road users.
- Bike lane transitions: Locations where bike lanes end, merge with traffic or shift between protected and unprotected sections create heightened risk for e-scooter riders. These transition points often force riders to make quick decisions about route changes while dealing with vehicle traffic.
Understanding these common accident locations and conditions can help riders make safer choices about when and where to use e-scooters in Denver.
Who Is Eligible To Operate E-Scooters?
In Denver, there is an age restriction on the operation of an e-scooter, and anyone under the age of 16 is prohibited from operating one. Additionally, if you are under 18 – as with a bicycle – you are required to wear a helmet with it.
There are no registration or licensing requirements for the operation of one of these vehicles. So, that means the only eligibility for using an e-scooter is age. However, this also means that anyone on an e-scooter may be on it for the very first time.
Do Waivers Need To Be Signed?
From a statutory perspective, no one needs to sign a waiver to use an e-scooter. However, most of the e-scooters available in Denver are manufactured by companies such as Bird or Lime. You would need to purchase time with an e-scooter through one of their apps. There, in the app, you will find a waiver that you will have to sign.
The companies that provide and operate these scooters are not required to let people use the equipment without signing a waiver. This waiver, in turn, helps protect the company from liability. It is also a complication for any potential personal injury lawsuits.
What Are These Types Of Cases Worth?
There is no one set of potential values for any type of injury or class of case. It is extremely difficult and unwise for an attorney to offer a hard estimate about the potential worth of a given injury. There are too many individual variables for that, including:
- Your specific injury
- The circumstances of the accident
- The fault calculation of the court
Your eventual verdict or settlement will change significantly. However, your attorney can talk to you about a range of possible outcomes and – at the very least – build a strategy to pursue the compensation necessary to move forward.
How Claims Of These Types Are Filed
The claims filing process for electric scooters is similar to that for any car or bicycle accident. However, one of the complications is when or if you can file a suit with the scooter provider. While you did sign a waiver, there may be reasons within your case that may override the waiver. This is one of the key discussions you should have with us after your accident.
Common Injuries From Electric Scooter Accidents
Largely, e-scooter accidents fall into one of a few different categories, depending on the injury and individual circumstances. Scooters may end up in accidents with motor vehicles; they may end up in an accident with a pedestrian; and they may end up in an accident where there are no other involved parties. Regardless, many times these accidents lead to:
- Broken bones
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Spinal cord injuries
- Abrasions and avulsions
- Eye injuries
The complications and pain from these physical injuries are often immense, but you do not have to go it alone to get the financial help you need to recover.
Free Consultations From Attorneys Who Care
Our entire goal is to find the right way forward for you. We want to hear about your case and learn about your struggles so we can build an effective, comprehensive strategy to pursue compensation. We will stay with you and keep you informed throughout your case.
Call us at 303-894-8100 or send an email using this form.