Tailgating is a dangerous driving habit that puts everyone on the road at risk. Following too closely reduces reaction time and increases the likelihood of rear-end collisions. Understanding the risks can help you drive more safely and avoid costly accidents....
Personal Injury
Truck wrecks, personal injuries and Colorado’s diverse terrain
For truck drivers in Denver, navigating the diverse terrain of Colorado is an everyday challenge. From the congested traffic in urban areas to the mountain roads in high-altitude areas, they never know when they may meet unfortunate accidents. But what they need to...
Understanding Colorado’s liability coverage for motorcyclists
Home to abundant landscapes, Colorado proves to be a paradise for motorcyclists. But with numerous motorcycles exploring the state’s roads, tragic accidents are bound to happen. In fact, motorcycle fatalities accounted for 20% of the state’s traffic deaths last year,...
Examples of summertime safety strategies for drivers
While there might be a variety of driver safety risks that might be prominent during all times of year, some issues could prove more prevalent during certain seasons. With summer underway, you may have questions about the types of hazards you might face and about ways...
1 killed after rock crashes through windshield of a motor vehicle
Reports indicate that a 20-year-old woman in Colorado was killed during a recent incident in which a rock suddenly crashed through the windshield of her car. While there may be some scenarios in which objects such as rocks may be thrown into the air by other vehicles...
Crash involving distracted driver leads to loss of limb
It might not always be easy to imagine how the outcome of a collision could affect the lives of those involved. Those who experience life-changing injuries during a similar incident may also struggle to grasp the challenges they might face while trying to adapt to the...
Crash involving tow truck kills motorist
Sadly, Colorado Springs has already surpassed the number of people killed in auto accidents at this time last year. So far this year, 26 people have lost their lives in vehicles around the city as compared to 25 during the same timeframe last year. The latest fatal...
4-vehicle crash claims 5 family members
Driving on interstate highways in Colorado or elsewhere comes with its share of risks. With so much traffic moving at relatively high speeds near each other, the potential for serious accidents is great. Unfortunately, a four-vehicle crash claimed five members of a...
Motorcyclist dies in crash involving SUV
Now that the weather is getting warmer, many in Colorado who enjoy riding motorcycles are hitting the road. Although a practical, fun and economical way to get around, motorcycles offer little to no protection in a crash, especially one involving a larger passenger...
Crash in Denver claims life of pedestrian
Interstate highways in Colorado and elsewhere are not designed for pedestrians. Still, any number of reasons can cause someone to have to walk along the road, perhaps to get help for a stalled vehicle or simply because the person has to traverse the highway to reach...